
I had occasion recently to need an entry in my ssh config such that connections to a certain host would be proxied through another connection. Several sources suggested the following snippet:

    ProxyCommand nc -x <proxy host>:<proxy port> %h %p

In my situation, I wanted the connection to be proxied through an ssh tunnel that I already had set up in another part of the config. So my entry looked like:

    ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:5123 %h %p

Try as I might however, I just could not get it to work, always receiving the following message:

Error: Couldn't resolve host "localhost:5123"

After some head scratching, checking and double-checking that I had set up the proxy tunnel correctly, I finally figured out that it was because I had GNU netcat installed rather than BSD netcat. Apparently, most of the people in the internet use BSD netcat :)

Worse, -x is a valid option in both netcats but does completely different things depending on which you use; hence the less-than-specific-but-technically-correct error message.

After that revalation, I thought it was worth capturing the commonalities and differences between the options taken by the netcats.

Common options

BSD netcat only

GNU netcat only


I uninstalled GNU netcat and installed BSD netcat btw ;)